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Thoughts, Trauma and Toxins: Three Causes of Subluxation

In his Pathways article, Thoughts, Trauma and Toxins, Dr. David Gustitus refers to founder of chiropractic, D.D. Palmer’s, famous text, The Chiropractor’s Adjustor, which identities these “Three T’s” as the causes of vertebral subluxation. Dr. Gustitus reports that since the time of Palmer’s text, chiropractic has expanded its understanding of subluxation to be more than misalignment of spinal bones and pinched nerves. He writes that subluxation is now agreed to be the result of both internal and external influences affecting the function of the nervous system as a whole. Physical trauma, toxin exposure and emotional stressors not only trigger muscular responses in the body, he writes, but these “harm signals” also reach three key areas in the brain: the hippocampus (the center for learning), the amygdala (the stress and anxiety center), and the hypothalamus (the neuroendocrine control center, which initiates a cascade of events preparing us for fight or flight). Dr. Gustitus says to counter these types of harm we need high-quality input to the nervous system; best achieved through:  Chiropractic adjustments  Whole-body exercise  Purity  Good nutrition  Positive and loving thoughts. “Health really boils down to homeostasis (balanced function) at the cellular level. To create a lifetime of health…we must provide our bodies with optimal input throughout our lives”.

Modified excerpt from: Thoughts, Trauma and Toxins by ICPA Member, David Gustitus, DC. Read the full article in Pathways Issue 38:

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